Confidently Choose the BEST Stitches and Threads for Your Needlepoint Projects
Without stitching and ripping or combing through an entire library of stitch books

You Really Want To Choose Your Own Stitches and Threads, BUT...
...figuring out how to ACTUALLY do it can be soooo confusing!
I know how you feel… you have oodles of stitch books, but you have no idea which stitch to use WHERE on your canvases.
Should you use the mosaic stitch… or the Scotch stitch… or the cashmere stitch… or something completely different?
Then, how the heck do you fit the stitch you finally settle on into that weird shape?
And let’s not even talk about which thread to use.
It can all make you want to throw your hands up and just stitch the whole canvas in basketweave!
Creating Beautiful Needlepoint Projects Doesn’t Depend on Knowing a Bunch of Different Decorative Stitches, Though....
Getting stuck and fixating on just the stitches will actually cause you more (yes MORE!) frustration and overwhelm.
Too many stitchers assume they are struggling because they can’t pick the RIGHT stitch for a particular spot on their canvas. And that has them stitching and ripping and stitching and ripping - and then stitching and ripping some more.
And when their canvas STILL doesn’t look like they pictured it in their head, they stuff it in the closet with all of their previous attempts.
Then they fall back on good ole basketweave. It’s safe. It’s reliable. And it keeps them stuck..
The Challenge Isn’t Learning Decorative Stitches... It’s Recognizing How And Where To Use Them!
And you definitely need to use some specific strategies. No way around that.
Every stitch and thread you select is part of a puzzle and needs to fit into an aesthetically pleasing and cohesive plan.
Trying to figure out how to create a fabulous finished project by focusing on individual design components without looking at the overall composition of your project is like trying to thread a needle blindfolded.
And all the stitch books and needlepoint apps in the world aren’t gonna help even the tiniest little bit without a framework that will help you put it all together...
I Want The Strategies & The Framework!

When You Have The Right Resources…
- You can spend more time STITCHING and less time second guessing yourself week after week.
- Choosing stitches and threads will feel effortless because you’ll have proven STRATEGIES you can pull out of your needlepoint bag of tricks.
- Your stitching buddies will ask YOU for advice about their projects.
- You’ll have more fun than you ever thought possible - and your finished projects will finally look EXACTLY like you pictured them in your head.
- You can finally stitch with CONFIDENCE!
Think about it. Imagine what would be possible for you if you had THAT kind of success with your needlepoint hobby…

An Online Needlepoint Membership That Will Teach You What You REALLY Need To Know In Order To Be Able To Choose The Very Best Stitches and Threads For ALL Of Your Needlepoint Canvases - Instead Of
Leaving You Paralyzed by FOMU (fear of messing up!).
Yes! Sign Me Up Right Now!Meet Your Needlepoint Guide…
Hi there!
I’m Ellen Johnson, a former needlework shop owner turned online needlepoint teacher.
For the past 25+ years, I've been empowering stitchers just like you to create beautiful pieces of needlepoint art using my time-tested formula for choosing the best stitches and threads for their projects. (I call it the Needlepoint Success Formula and you can use it for your projects, too!)
I'm also a former first grade teacher and my students say that my super power is making needlepoint easy to understand. (That - and my many years of experience as a needle artist. 😉)
And speaking of artists, Needlepoint artists from around the world tune in to watch Needlepoint TV™, my weekly live broadcast where I share needlepoint tips and helpful hints. They read my “Stitching with Confidence” column in Needlepoint Now magazine so they can learn new stitch and thread combinations that they can use on their own needlepoint projects. And they develop their needlepoint skills through their membership in The Stitcher’s Club, my online resource center and community for all things needlepoint.
I'd love to share my love of all things needlepoint with you, too!
Join Me In The Stitcher's Club Today!
As a Member of the Stitcher's Club, You'll...
Join The Stitcher's Club Now
"My career was in finance. When I retired I decided to try something using the other side of my brain. The entire art world is new and fascinating, but I wouldn't want to travel there alone. I'm so glad you're here to guide me!😍"
~ Judi Martindale
Inside The Stitcher's Club You'll Find...
Classes, Classes, & MORE Classes!
This is where you can learn new needlework techniques so that you can create a variety of special effects on your projects that will bring your canvases to life!
✓You'll Have A Front-Row Seat to SIX of my not-to-be-missed needlepoint workshops/events for 2025. (Yep - this little perk makes joining TSC a no-brainer!)
✓You'll Learn New Techniques that you can use on your projects to bring them to life, including shading, beading, ribbon work, and more!
✓You'll Get Early Notice For My Project Classes And Retreats - all of which have a limited number of spots available. (And you'll get first dibs on signing up!)
✓You Can Watch - and Re-Watch - The Classes at your convenience since everything is recorded and uploaded into your Member Portal.
The Needlepoint Success Formula
This is where you’ll learn how to evaluate your canvases so that you can choose the very best stitches and threads for your projects to create beautiful pieces of needlepoint art.
➾ How To Evaluate Needlepoint Canvases so that you can REALLY see each individual design component and understand how all of the parts work together to create an aesthetically pleasing finished project.
➾ The Step-By-Step Needlepoint Success Formula so you’ll know exactly WHAT to look for when choosing stitches and threads for your projects.
➾ How To Choose Stitches And Threads Suited To YOUR SKILL LEVEL so that you can experience success (and have some fun).
➾ The Single Most Important Thing You Need to get rid of in order to be able to stitch with confidence.
The Needlepoint Lab
And this is where you put what you're learning into practice so that you can continue to grow your needlepoint skills and become a more confident stitcher.
✓You'll Apply The Needlepoint Success Formula To Your Canvases through coaching that spotlights topics such as texture, movement, color, etc.
✓You'll Get Guidance From Me alongside fellow stitchers - and you'll get help with choosing stitches and threads for your projects that match your current skill level.
✓You'll Learn Insider Tips And Tricks for choosing stitches and threads that work well together to create different effects on your projects.
✓You'll Get Feedback on your project plan from me and your peers.
The How-To Stitch Library
This is where you’ll discover how to do a HUGE assortment of stitches so that you can rest assured that you're actually doing them right.
➾ Video tutorials for more than 100 decorative stitches that you can use to add texture and dimension to your needlepoint projects.
➾ Full Color AND Black & White stitch diagrams (that you can download and print out) for more than 200 decorative stitches.
➾ The Key Uses for Each Stitch… and a color photograph of what it really looks like (a work in progress).
➾ How To Begin and End Each Stitch instead of crossing your fingers and hoping that you get it right, then praying that everything doesn’t unravel later.
Thread Talk
Here, you’ll learn all about the different threads used in our needlepoint hobby so that you can make wise decisions about the best options for your canvases.
✓ Needlepoint Threads so you aren’t banging your head against the wall trying to figure out which ones are best for your project.
✓ Which Threads To Use on different sizes of canvas mesh so you can get the effect you’re trying to achieve.
✓ Color Photographs of threads and stitched samples you can really see what the thread looks like.
✓ How To Organize your threads so that you really know what you have in your stash.
Which Stitch?
This is where you’ll find an abundance of suggestions for how to use different stitches and threads so that you can create show-stopping needlepoint projects with ease.
➾ Stitch Bundles carefully curated for the most popular design components on needlepoint canvases, like Santa’s beard, nighttime skies, snow, and more!
➾ The Perfect Stitch so you can enjoy stitching instead of getting stressed out over something that’s beyond your current skill level.
➾ Stitches for backgrounds that won’t overwhelm your design so that your finished project looks balanced.
➾ Handy Printable Lists of stitches for dozens of design components so that you can find the perfect stitch without having to search through stacks and stacks of books.
The Stitcher's Club Community
Here, you’ll be part of our warm and welcoming circle of needlepoint friends - and you'll have a safe space to share your love of needlepoint with fellow stitchers.
✓ Oodles Of Stitchy Friends who share your love of needlepoint and can’t wait to meet you!
✓ A Safe Online Gathering Place to ask questions, get inspired, and show off your latest finish!
✓ Camaraderie And Connection with other stitchers who “get” your obsession with all things needlepoint.
✓ A Password Protected Portal inside The Stitcher’s Club website so you can fully participate in the community.
Q&A Connect
And this is where you can ask about whatever has you stumped so that you can get the answers to your questions and keep moving forward in your needlepoint journey.
➾ You Can Ask Me Anything about your needlepoint project that has you stuck so you can get back on track and add that project to the finished pile.
➾ You’ll Make Massive Breakthroughs because being part of a dedicated program like The Stitcher’s Club is like pouring rocket fuel on your progress, helping you move along the path to needlepoint success.
➾ You'll Get the Answers to Your Questions Quickly because I'm in the Community every day PLUS I regularly answer questions on our Needlepoint Lab calls.
➾ You’ll Learn From Fellow Members’ questions and your needlepoint knowledge will continue to expand.
Monthly Stitch Togethers
Here is where you can gather with like-minded needlepoint artists so that you can share ideas and inspire each other to expand your horizons.
✓You Can Grab Your Favorite Beverage And Your Project and join us for a fun-filled hour of stitching and giggles.
✓You Can Chat About All Things Needlepoint with other people who really want to see what you're working on.
✓You'll Connect with Stitchers from across the globe who share your love of needlepoint and can’t wait to get to know you better.
✓ You Can Forge New Friendships with people you might not otherwise get to meet.
What Would It Be Worth To You If...
✓ You could learn how to plan, create, and execute your very own custom project guide - all from a single step-by-step system?
✓ You could stop “thinking” about choosing your own stitches and threads... stop “talking” about choosing your own stitches and threads... and definitely stop feeling so frustrated.
✓ You could become a more confident stitcher?
Well, my friend, you CAN!

"I joined The Stitcher’s Club because I was thrilled to find people who love needlepoint as much as I do! I love learning about it, and doing it - and looking at and studying it. I’m so much happier and balanced when I make time for my stitching. May be a sappy sounding answer, but it is true and this group gives me support and confidence to own it!!!"
~ Carole George Graves
If You’re Thinking You Don’t Have Time For The Stitcher’s Club… You Are Exactly The Person Who Needs It The Most!
(It’s Time To Stop Wasting Your Precious Stitching Time Ripping Out More Than You Leave In)
If you’re thinking “I’d LOVE to join The Stitcher’s Club but I just don’t have the time right now,” - well, you’re not understanding what I’ve been saying...
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by all of the different thread choices, you can learn how to select colors and textures that complement your canvas.
Using The Stitcher's Club resources as your guide, you'll master which threads work best for treetops and waterfalls and flower petals (and so much more!).
And for the first time, you'll have a plan for choosing stitches that really, really works.
The Stitcher’s Club is a carefully curated collection of EVERYTHING you need - at the click of a button - so that you can begin to confidently choose the best stitches and threads for your needlepoint projects NOW!
It’s about helping you get the results you want without having to second guess yourself over and over and over again.
It’s about SIMPLIFYING!!
I'm Ready To Stitch With Confidence!
"I am becoming more bold, thanks to you, Ellen. My Santa was continental stitch which I changed myself to show his bushy beard, fleece in the cuffs, etc and a decorative border. I was very proud of myself! At The Stitcher's Club I get everything I needed in one place. Thank you!"
~ El Mathias

Who Is The Stitcher's Club For?
I'm Ready To Join The Stitcher's Club!

I want you to be 100% satisfied with your Stitcher's Club membership. If you review the content and don’t think it’s worth every penny, you can get a full refund within the first 14 days of your enrollment. Your enrollment is entirely risk-free.
How will I get access to The Stitcher’s Club?
As a member, what will I have access to?
What's a Threadventure?
I’m already super busy. Is this going to take up a lot of my time?
Do you have a refund policy?
Can I access the content released inside The Stitcher's Club during my membership if I ever decide to cancel?
What if I have more questions?

One Last Thing...
Needlepoint can be a solitary hobby when nobody “gets” what you’re doing.
Luckily, The Stitcher’s Club is ready-made for connecting like-minded individuals who want to create beautiful pieces of needlepoint art.
Whether you're new to using decorative stitches and fancy threads on your canvases or you've been a needlepoint artist for a while, you're in the right place.
The Stitcher's Club is a world-class program designed to connect you with others who share your love of needlepoint - and it gives you the opportunity to be part of something bigger.
You see, my other goal in creating The Stitcher’s Club was to gather people who want to make the world a better place, one stitch at a time.
I think we’re well on our way and I’d love to have you join us...
Just click the purple button down below and I'll see you on the inside! 🥰